Monthly Archives: May 2017

New E-Commerce Website Launched for Syl’s Art – Sylvester Peebles

18320602_10155349051170820_6522580048473270247_oSeveral months ago, the most important client of my life asked me to design a website to showcase his art collection. It was my hero, my father! How could I say no? My dad, Sylvester Peebles, has been drawing and painting for as long as I’ve been alive. He has had artwork showcased in the St. Louis Art Museum and won first place in several art shows over the past few decades. One funny story he shared with me was the time he and my sister entered the same contest for art, (I think it was the Creve Coeur Days art show) and he said that he won second place and my sister (who would have been about 7 years-old) won first place. The only issue with that was first place won $100 and second place won a ribbon. My sister was crying because she did not want money; she wanted the ribbon. Ah to be young again.

Screen Shot 2017-05-13 at 5.13.48 PMBack to the original point of this post. My dad asked me to design Continue reading

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Filed under Blogging, Design Tips, Internet Marketing, Marketing, Uncategorized, website

Social Media For Business

Recently I was chatting with a client who was against social media for her business. I asked why and she told me the following:

  1. It’s too much work
  2. I don’t want to have to always post photos and personal things
  3. It’s unprofessional to have anything other than a LinkedIn page

socialmedia-sylwilson.jpgI was happy to know that she at least saw value in LinkedIn. When she told me that she wanted more exposure at a low cost however, I had to let her in on some of the biggest bang you can get for your buck…which happens to be social media platforms.

With social media you can really leverage your products using your blog on your website just as I am right now. Showcasing your products (or knowledge) will prove to your buyers that they should choose your company over the next one. If your company mostly provides a “service” then you can still do this by using your blog to write articles that prove that you know what you are talking about. Simply sharing information about those services or tips to help your consumers will increase traffic to your site immediately. How you leverage those articles is through social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

attract customers-sylwilsonmarketing.jpgIt’s important to note, that having a Continue reading

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Filed under blog, Blogging, Facebook, Internet Marketing, Marketing, Social Media, Uncategorized