Monthly Archives: April 2010

Job hunt got you down? Try a new resume design

It may sound crazy, but sometimes when you feel that you have done all you can do, as far as finding a new job, you’ve got to try something different. That something, may be to simply have your resume professionally designed. Some people can do this themselves, and some may need to hire someone, or ask a good friend in the design industry to help them out. With the economy at such a volatile level lately, you may not have the funds available to get a swift design done.

So what kind of designs are Human Resource departments interested in? Well, that depends on Continue reading

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Filed under Design Tips

You’ve got mail, email that is..and there’s a video in it!

Think about this, you have a business and it needs to be marketed to a target audience. It’s quite difficult to explain the benefits and features of your product without sending a 25 page brochure in the mail or getting the prospect to have a 30 minute meeting with you. These things are hard to do in today’s world of limited time. However, everyone has an email account and the more data you can get to a person in a short time frame the better right? Continue reading

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Filed under Internet Marketing, Marketing, Social Media